Website Design

Need a Small Business Website?

Image of various websites

Image of various websites

I specialize in designing and  creating websites for small businesses using my skills with graphic and web design software.  I’ve been creating web pages with various graphic and web design software since 1995.  Currently I design and create using WordPress, the most commonly used web creation software in the world.  Your hosting site must allow creation/uploading with WordPress.

I believe that small businesses need an internet presence in order to compete within an ever growing computer literate marketplace.  And that presence needs to provide for proper inclusion in web search engines and directories so that customers will be able to find each small business and learn the offerings available from them. Small business can greatly increase their reach to customers with a professional website and social media presence.

If you would like to promote your small business online with your own professional business website, contact me. Following is information on my website design packages:

All websites are created using WordPress creation software and include search engine optimization (SEO) and are responsive (created to provide acceptable viewing on mobile devices like phones and tablets, not just desktops).

Doman registration and hosting fees are not included in my regular web site packages.  With my help, you can select and purchase website hosting and acquire domain registration.  All text content is provided by you – although I will make some suggestions and perhaps show you what similar businesses do.

*monthly maintenance plans are available

Your Choices

  • STARTER Website design/creation Package – $300
  • BASIC Business Website design/creation package – $800
  • DELUXE Business Website design/creation package – $2000
  • MODIFY/UPDATE Existing WordPress sites (pay per hour or type modification)
  • BLOG sites

You can contact me via email at: or send me a message in the comment area below.



    1. Home/Welcome Page,
    2. Contact Us page)
    3. About Us page
    4. Product page
    5. Services page
    6. Testimonial page

This includes the following:

    1. Help in choosing and obtaining your domain name and hosting site
    2. Helping you choose a design from 2 samples provided.
    3. Creation and upload of your “Home” page with text provided by you.  Text not to exceed 1000 words.  Up to two images can be included provided by you.  Each image is enhanced for sharpness and optimal load time.
    4. Creation and upload of your “Contact Us” page with your pertinent information. Text not to exceed 1000 words.  Up to two images can be included provided by you.  Each image is enhanced for sharpness and optimal load time.
    5. Site Design can include a logo or photo provided by you. 
    6. Content  (wording) is provided by you. (I can help by showing you what similar businesses say).



    1. Home/Welcome Page,
    2. Contact Us page)
    3. About Us page
    4. Product/Services page
    5. Testimonial page


    1. Help in choosing and obtaining your domain name and hosting site (domain name fee and monthly hosting fee not included in package.)
    2. Helping you choose a design from 2 samples provided.
    3. Creation and upload of your “Home” page with all text provided by you (not to exceed 1000 words).
    4. Creation and upload of your “Contact Us” page with your pertinent information. (all text provided by you (not to exceed 1000 words).
    5. Creation and upload of your “About us” page with your pertinent information. (all text provided by you (not to exceed 1000 words).
    6. Creation and upload of your “Products or Services” Page with your pertinent information. (all text provided by you (not to exceed 1000 words).
    7. Creation and upload of your “Testimonial” page with customer quotes provided by you. (all text provided by you (not to exceed 1000 words).
    8. Design can include up to 2 photos provided by you and up to 15 product photos provided by you.  All photos are enhanced and properly sized for optimal load time.  Additional photos are $15 each.
    9. All content wording is provided by you. (I can help by showing you what similar businesses say).
    10. There are up to 1000 words allowed for each page (additional word content is $30/1000 words).
    11. Any ecommerce function will cost extra.



    1. Home/Welcome Page,
    2. Contact Us page)
    3. About Us page
    4. Product/Services page (could be multiple pages for difference products/services)
    5. Testimonial page
    6. Events
    7. Newsletter
    8. Resources
    9. Blog
    10. ?


    1. Help in choosing and obtaining your domain name and hosting site (domain name fee and monthly hosting fee not included in package.)
    2. Helping you choose a design from 2 samples provided.
    3. Setup of navigational structure to get around the site.
    4. Creation and upload of your “Home” page with text provided by you and up to 2 images provided by you.
    5. Creation and upload of your “Contact Us” page with your pertinent information and up to 2 images provided by you.
    6. Creation and upload of your “About us” page with your pertinent information and up to 2 images provided by you.
    7. Creation and upload of your “Products or Services” Page with your pertinent information and up to 15 images provided by you.
    8. Creation and upload of your “Testimonial” page with customer quotes provided by you.
    9. Creation and upload of 5 additional pages of your choice (i.e., additional products and service pages, resources, newsletter signup, blog, etc).
      1. Each page content can include up 1000 words provided by you and up to 2 photos provided by you and the site can include up to 15 product or service photos provided by you for each Product/service page.  All photos are enhanced and properly sized for optimal load time. 
    10. All content is provided by you and design is by me with your approval.  (I can help by showing you what similar businesses say).


    • Additional pages can be added and included in your navigational structure for $120 each
    • A uniquely designed logo for your website for $50
    • Additional photos can be added for $20 each
    • Linked pdf files can be uploaded for $15 each.  You provide the Word file and I can turn it into pdf format.
    • Addition of a photo gallery. $175
    • Help in creating a Facebook Business Page $300
    • Help in initiating collection of emails of potential customers for email and newsletter marketing using GetResponse.  $400 plus you pay for your GetResponse account and service.
    • Monthly maintenance plans can be purchased also.  For modifications, ask to receive a quote for the specifics you want or just pay $50/hour for my time as needed.


I can modify or update your existing WordPress website. I will need access to your account where it is hosted to do so.  Your hosting service must allow use of WordPress to update/upload.  I can:

    • Modify existing pages -$40 each page.  Includes
    • (text changes and adding text only not to exceed 1000 words all provided by you via email)
    • Add images provided by you to a page  -$20 each image; all images are enhanced and properly sized for optimal load time
    • Create new pages and add to site navigation – $120 each page (which includes 2 images and up to 1000 words, all provided by you via email.  All images are enhanced and properly sized for optimal load time).
    • Linked pdf files can be uploaded to a page for $15 each.  You provide the Word file and I can turn it into pdf format and upload it.


If you are interested in blogging, I can create a blog site using WordPress for you.  I will design, host or suggest a hosting service (I can host up to 10 domains with my current hosting service – so these are limited), reserve the domain name and get you started with your blogging.  The blog site will initially contain the home page, the blog index page, an About Me page and a Contact Me page.

Cost for this is $300 to include:

    • Hosting your site for the first year.  (includes hosting on a great hosting platform and reservation of the domain name for one year).  You will pay $110 for the domain name registration and annual hosting plus up to 2 hours of updates after the first year.
    • Provide the initial build of the site framework and 4 pages (Home/About Us/Blog Index/Contact Us). Each page can include up to 1000 words of text and 2 images.  All text and images are provided by you to me via email.  I will format the page text and enhance the images before uploading them)
    • You will provide the first blog article and I will upload and format it. as part of the blog creation.
    • I can add new blog articles as provided by you for $10 each article, $15 each with 1 legal image supplied by you.  This is not to exceed 3 articles each week.
    •  I will upload and publish blog articles you create during the month (not to exceed 3 per week) and which you provide to me in a MS Word file or in the content of an email.  I will format the blog article, add an image (a free one of my choice or one you legally provide).  I will add keywords and help with SEO and submission of your blog site to Google.
    • If you are interested in learning how to monetize your blogsite with affiliate linking or purchasing through paypal or creation of additional pages, I can help you with that for $80/hr.
    • Or I can advise you where to achieve the training necessary to learn to do this yourself.


Thanks for looking at my site and coming to this page.  I would love for you to leave any questions or comments below


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