Tag Archives: Artist trading card

Wednesday October 19, 2016

Painting Day!

I’m loving today.  Today I’m painting mini abstract landscapes for an ATC (Artist Trading Card) swap event.

I’m a member of a Facebook Group called Artist Trading Card Addicts and several of us are creating our version of an abstract landscape.  I’m using my acrylics to create mine.  Painting a Landscape this small (2.5×3.5 inches) is quite a challenge and its a good thing its abstract, as fine details are very hard at this size.  Also my OTT lamp is stored in the basement right now and I can’t get it out until tomorrow when my dh can do it.  Being in this wheelchair is definitely a hassle sometimes.

Tomorrow I will post my version shown below to the Event page and hopefully someone will want to swap with me.  That someone can be anywhere in the world.



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