Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fun With Senior Session

This afternoon I had a great time capturing senior images for a lovely young lady. Mary Claire is somewhat related to my family and such a sweet, pretty girl.


This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to shoot a senior session here in the Bella Vista area.  I’m finding I absolutely love the locations I can shoot at.  The hills, green forests and lakes and streams are awesome as backgrounds. Even though its October, the colors are only minimally changed but still beautiful so I’m trying to take advantage of what I can get.

Here’s a few images I captured today.


img_2310img_2344an image of a senior girl img_2364img_2359 an image of a senior girl


Boaz enjoyed the photo session too


Our monster dog, Boaz (a 115 pound giant schnauzer) came along for the session and loved playing in Loch Lomond after we finished there.  Needless to say, the backseat of my car is pretty wet from bringing him home.

img_2382 an image of dog swimming




Thanks for looking at my site and coming to this page.  I would love for you to leave any questions or comments below.



Monday, October 24, 2016

A day of Preparation


Today was spent at home, catching up on my

an image of a cheesecake

Cheesecake image

housework and computer tasks. I had to take frequent breaks to lay down because I’ve been having some aches and pains this week. But I did manage to work on some more images for the cookbook I’m helping a friend prepare for publishing.


I found myself growing hungry as I edited the images of her wonderful prepared foods.  She and I are hoping the book will be ready by Christmas for ordering.

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Wednesday October 19, 2016

Painting Day!

I’m loving today.  Today I’m painting mini abstract landscapes for an ATC (Artist Trading Card) swap event.

I’m a member of a Facebook Group called Artist Trading Card Addicts and several of us are creating our version of an abstract landscape.  I’m using my acrylics to create mine.  Painting a Landscape this small (2.5×3.5 inches) is quite a challenge and its a good thing its abstract, as fine details are very hard at this size.  Also my OTT lamp is stored in the basement right now and I can’t get it out until tomorrow when my dh can do it.  Being in this wheelchair is definitely a hassle sometimes.

Tomorrow I will post my version shown below to the Event page and hopefully someone will want to swap with me.  That someone can be anywhere in the world.



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Monday, October 16, 2016

A long weekend


Today, I’ve mostly rested from my long weekend. I traveled to my home town of White Hall, AR to man a booth at a local arts and craft show. There were three of us at our booth: my artist friends Gerry Delongchamp and Richard Davies. It was a slow day, with a limited crowd because of several conflicts in the neighborhood. However, I did enjoy catching up with what my friends were doing. I also was able to create a few ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) for the Holiday Event hosted by my favorite secret ATC Facebook Group (Artist Trading Card Addicts). I’m creating 9 cards to swap with a lady who lives in Athins, Greece.  Each of these cards must have a holiday theme and be a standard sized ATC. Continue reading